100.000 lit/h water treatment ozone generator
Ozone Generator: Corona discharge generators fed by compressed air Generators fed by oxygen Sterilisation Bonification Waste water treatment 100.000 lit/h water treatment ozone generator
Mounted on stand Exchanger
Mounted on stand Exchanger
Skid Ultrafiltration
Skid Ultrafiltration
Wheeled counting pan washer
Wheeled counting pan washer
Three-station, 8000 lit/each, CIP heating
C.I.P. – S.I.P. – Skid: Single-station or two-station CIP Cold or hot SIP Preassembled Skid R&D Pilot Groups Three-station, 8000 lit/each, CIP with heating and distribution controller
15.000 lit/h Ozone generator for water treatment
Ozone Generator: Corona discharge generators fed by compressed air Generators fed by oxygen Plant cold sterilisation 15.000 lit/h Ozone generator for water treatment
Skid with two preparation fermenters
C.I.P. – S.I.P. – Skid: Single-station or two-station CIP Cold or hot SIP Pre-assembled Skid Skid with two preparation fermenters